Sunday, May 23, 2010

bare toes in the grass...

after a somewhat busied morning with picking up the one of
the kids from auntie's and a few errands and housework...
we put a stop to the day and invited a picnic into our afternoon...
have you ever just done that?
had an idea and you didn't think about it...
you just did it?
something i'm trying to work on...
losing the regimented scheduling girl inside of me...

i'm getting tired of letting the clock run my day...
so as summer is getting closer..
and the days are becoming more lax...
i've decided to let go a little
so feels pretty good...

we picnicked in the front yard on mikey's old quilt...
it was warm and breezy...
perfect weather for sitting in the sun with my 3 little bugs...
we talked about college...dogs...summer plans...swimming and ants

there wasn't one fight...
that always amazes me...
{maybe because i threatened to cancel the picnic if the bickering started
or maybe because i bribed them to behave}
the only thing missing was mr c...
but he was at work...
somebody's gotta bring home the bacon

i wish for these to be the memories that pop up in my children's minds when they are grown
up with little bugs of there own...
...i hope that they reflect back and think of the little simple things
that they had during their childhood...
these are the days that count...
the days that left us with bare toes in the grass


  1. I love Mandy staring at Morgans sandwich... she better hold tight to it!
    Looks like such a nice lil afternoon!

  2. I have to really work at the "rolling with it" and leaving the schedule behind. But I do it. Sometimes it works. Sometimes, well, not so much.
    Looks like yours worked.
    Good work. Because I do believe it is the simplest of things we do with our children that they will remember the most.

  3. whew...i am going to work on the whole roll with it philosophy.
    p.s. lola would love a pen pal!
    start writing girlie..
