Thursday, August 5, 2010

me: simplified

simplifying. that is what we have been working on over here...on decatur street.
mr c and i have been engaging in long talks about future plans for quite some time now...we see ourselves in another house...a bigger home for our copious family...we see ourselves with complete and intentional financial stability...
we see ourselves retired early and vacationing with children and grandchildren...
in order to have those things and achieve those goals...we have decided to make movement now...and we are with full and uninterrupted intent...
confession: this is harder for me than for mr c...
i am a spender...i love nice my groom has put a little expensive...
i have fallen victim to 'keeping up with the jone's' on several occasions...
i am an impulse shopper...i feel i need rather than want...
and i have put a stop to all of this.
a dead halting stop!
we have decided together to make aggressive changes to the way we spend...
we are on a spending hiatus {somewhat hard for me to type...that sorta makes it official}
at first...
we agreed not to purchase clothes, shoes household extras and unnecessary items for 6 months...
6 w h o l e m o n t h s
then i decided to amend the new shopping hiatus and implemented a small but reasonable monthly personal spending allowance...
mr c rolled his eyes at me when i did this...i rolled mine right back at him.
..... i transition myself into the saving more/ spending less system...i find that i am really jumping into the simplicity that accompanies this plan...
i have to be honest here...
we are grateful that we are not lacking or in need of anything...and
our closets and drawers and pantries are over flowing...
so when i freak out a little about not shopping...i really start to feel ridiculous and immature...
we have begun to clean out every room, closet, drawer, pantry and shelf...
we are ridding our home of the clutter...
purging is an amazing and cleansing feeling
it has led me to more space in our home...
it has led us to discussions and lessons regarding finance with our littles...
and in keeping honest...
it just feels good to make this change.
we know that our future plans will only come to fruition
if we start moving toward them today...
so this is my new spending hiatus.
i just hope nordstrom and starbucks don't go out of business while i'm away.


  1. I know what you mean!! I feel the need to get myself something every now and then and it's not always cheap. And yes - I feel immature when I get upset that I can't afford/get it.

    I think it's a female thing!
    Good luck with being will pay off!

    Gemma x

  2. I'm with you. It's hard when there are so many things you can(not) justify...but I agree it makes a difference. Good luck!

  3. I love this Rebecca, I have started this as well, when I cleaned out closets and gave most of my stuff to my sister in law, I started not buying the unreasonable, but learning to love what I have and not in excess, however I veer off path at times, but I buy wayy to much! :) good for you and just think how good it will feel to be able to retire with your mister and take long vacations because you did just that!

  4. good luck
    and don't worry about Starbucks and Nordstroms...I've got them covered...

  5. Oh my! Good luck, I'm sure you'll be fine. I know exactly where you're coming husband's an accountant! I'm always being 'audited'! But I know that I need it (a little) as I used to get carried away. My solution to the problem? I got into thrifting at goodwill etc for household stuff. I love transforming 'junk' with paint. And I make a lot of stuff for clothing etc. When I've learned how to knock up a pair of Christian Louboutins then I'll have really cracked it!
    B x
